Autonomous driving, is a major disrupter for the automotive industry, according to Rémi Bastien, Vice President for Automotive Prospective, Renault Group and speaker at the R&D Management Conference.

He sees three major benefits: Safety, over 90% of accidents are due to human error; increased mobility, only 45% of the French population has access to public transport; and reduction in congestion, through greater efficiency in road usage.
The technological challenges are great so in France there is a joint pre-competitive project investigating the core requirements. Rémi is the President of Mov’eo, a Paris-based mobility and automotive organization designed to foster competitiveness among members while supporting sustainability and innovation throughout the entire mobility ecosystem in France.
Scenario identification
One of these initiatives is looking at scenario identification (MOOVE project) creating use case definitions for real world driving safety critical scenarios.
Renault’s goal for autonomous vehicles is to change the experience of riding in cars, making it more pleasant, less stressful and more productive. In “Mind Off” autonomous mode, drivers will be able to make better use of their time by using in-vehicle connectivity to answer emails, watch videos or safely converse with passengers.
Rémi’s prediction is that by 2022, Renault will offer 15 models with autonomous driving technologies, 100% of cars will offer connection to services and there will be fleets of a new breed of mobility services.
About Rémi Bastien
Rémi joined Renault in 1982 where his areas of responsibilities included powertrain engineering on environment, performance and electronics in 2002 he took charge of EMS development and calibration for powertrain; later becoming Deputy to the SVP for powertrain engineering.
Rémi became Vice President for Research and Innovation for RENAULT Group (2009-15), before becoming Global Director for Autonomous Driving Prospective at the Renault/Nissan Alliance (2015-16). More information about Renault’s approach