Art thinking – putting the creativity back into innovation
Virtually every Nobel Prize winner is a polymath in some way. Fifty percent of the scientists and closer to ninety percent of mathematicians have a
Virtually every Nobel Prize winner is a polymath in some way. Fifty percent of the scientists and closer to ninety percent of mathematicians have a
Creativity and ideation is a vital part of the R&D process and one that is of great interest to managers. Creativity can seem quite a
To compete effectively in a marketplace marked by turbulence, those that place an emphasis on the soft skills will have an advantage, argue authors of
Without creativity, how are young people to participate in the exciting world of innovation and development that those of us involved in RADMA find so
Creativity can seem quite a messy discipline, but I find it useful to categorise it into 4 aspects: process, people, product and place, based on
The great thing about having a genuine variety of ideas, is that it very substantially reduces the risk of R&D. This is because variety stimulates
Brainstorming often seems simple, but it isn’t, as Anne Miller and Ieva Martinaityte discuss in the first of our podcasts about creativity.
If you manage scientists or engineers and want to foster their creativity this is the paper to read. It’s also a good one to give
Many organizations struggle to come up with novel product concepts as focus groups and surveys often fail to gain sufficient insight into the customer’s hidden
TRIZ provides a useful structure for thinking and brainstorming, enabling ideas to be developed more quickly. However it requires patience to understand it
People often think that being innovative means having a lot of ideas. But where do the ideas come from? The history of innovation is full
Capturing an eclectic approach to creativity, Mark A. Runco discusses whether creativity is influenced by nature or nurture, personality and style research and how social
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